BuckStore.com since 1999

Wholesale Dollar Merchandise
The two most important decisions you’ll make when you’re considering opening a dollar store are the location and the inventory you’ll stock. Furthermore, it’s important to realize that these two elements are intimately related. Of course you’ll want to carry the widaest possible variety of merchandise, but the demographics of your particular location will suggest certain categories you’ll want to emphasize, both in terms of quantity and effective display.

At BuckStore Inc. we are glad to help you analyze your needs. We carry everything you need to stock your shelves and will help you choose the best items and the widest variety. Browse our catalog online or call for a free print catalog.
When considering location, don’t make the mistake of assuming that dollar stores are best confined to lower and middle income areas. A recent survey found that nearly half of all families with an annual income of $70,000 or more shopped at dollar stores. A major factor in this is convenience: today’s busy consumers don’t want to have to search for parking and negotiate a huge megastore to pick up just a few items. A clean, open store layout is particularly important in these areas. You might also want to skew your inventory to include more top-brand names.

In suburban areas where young families are the norm, you might want to consider stocking maternity clothes, birthday party paraphernalia, baby clothes and supplies, and toys and craft items. In urban areas, carrying a basic selection of groceries will bring customers in, and they often buy something else while they’re there.